If your home is in need of a furnace replacement, now is the time to take the plunge. While a new furnace is a hefty investment, installing it before the peak cooling season hits will save you money in terms of energy efficiency and repair costs. Today’s Energy Star-qualifying furnaces can have AFUEs of 95 percent or higher, and that efficiency will be directly reflected in your winter utility bills.

Not sure whether or not you’re ready for a replacement? We’ve put together a general list of telltale signs that will help you make your decision.

What year was it installed?

Furnaces can last upwards of 20 years or more if they’re well maintained. If your furnace is creeping past the 15-year mark, it is worth your while to research replacement options. Make sure you weigh both the first time costs as well as the lifetime costs. Your older furnace is probably costing you hundreds of extra dollars each year in energy consumption alone. Replace your furnace now and take advantage of 2013 tax credits.

Add up your repairs.

How much have furnace repairs cost you in the past couple of years? In our business, we recommend a replacement when repair costs are approaching 50 percent of the total furnace replacement costs.

Chart your energy bills.

Does it seem like your utility bills have been growing increasingly higher over the last few winters even though your furnace usage is the same? If this is the case, even after you factor higher energy rates, your furnace could be the culprit. You will also want to have your ductwork inspected since airflow obstructions, such as aging ducts, leaks, or accumulated debris, are another source of energy waste.

Do any of these symptoms sound familiar?

Other more tangible or visible signs of an outdated furnace include:

  • Cycling on and off more frequently than normal
  • Loud noises, bangs or clanks while it’s running
  • Emitting dust, rust or soot particles
  • Rooms in the house seem to heat unevenly

Suspect your Wichita Falls home needs a furnace replacement? Contact the HVAC experts at James Lane Air Conditioning and Plumbing, Co.


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