A key factor in achieving lower energy bills and lengthening your HVAC system’s life is routine air filter replacement. It may not seem like such a small, inexpensive part for your system has such a big impact on the equipment, but there is a direct relationship between air filter maintenance and system performance.

  1. Dirty filters are a primary cause of premature system failure. The airflow slows, making all the parts work longer to reach the thermostat’s settings. Fan motors get hotter when they run longer, which shortens their lives.
  2. When the air filter becomes covered with dust, the force of air entering the air handler can pull dirt inside the system. If you have a gas furnace, the dirt can cover the heat exchanger, which keeps it hot longer. Eventually the metal can crack. Those cracks may let carbon monoxide escape into your home’s air supply. A red-tagged furnace requires that an HVAC contractor or gas company representative disconnect the gas to the furnace until it’s repaired or replaced.In the summer, dirt covering the evaporator coil will slow the cooling process and could cause the coil to freeze up if too much covers it, causing your system to run for a long period without cooling your home.
  3. Excessive dirt on the filter reduces your home’s indoor air quality. Anyone with allergies or asthma will be especially bothered by the extra pollen, dander and dust blowing through the air
  4. Neglecting air filter replacement also contributes to dirty ductwork, exacerbating any respiratory problems you or household members have.
  5. As time passes, dirty air filters drive up your energy bills and if left unchanged, the bills will creep higher and higher.
  6. Running forced-air heating and cooling systems with dirty filters drives up the collective demand for more energy. Since most of the energy produced in the region doesn’t come from renewable sources, like solar, homeowners in our area who don’t change their filters contribute to increased demand for electricity.

To learn more about air filter replacement in the Wichita Falls area, contact the experts at James Lane Air Conditioning & Plumbing Co. today.

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